تجربة الطالب

يعلم طلاب مدرسة كامدن الإعدادية أن التعليم الممتاز هو المفتاح لتحقيق أحلامهم. من خلال الالتزام بقيمنا الأساسية ورد الجميل للآخرين، يمكن لطلابنا إعادة صياغة التاريخ وكتابة قصة جديدة لأنفسهم.

A Typical School Day

We start each school day with three goals in mind: every student feels truly loved and cared for, learning is both rigorous and joyful, and students are prepared for success in college and beyond.

A Strong Start

All Uncommon students start their day with a firm handshake at the door of the school and a warm welcome from an adult who knows them and is committed to their success.

Building Community

One of our oldest and most joyful traditions, morning circle and community meetings are a time for students to celebrate accomplishments, come together as one school with one mission, and share their strong leadership voices.

Joy and Mastery

Learning should be both fun and educational. We build joy into every lesson while preparing students to master the skills and knowledge they’ll need to succeed in college and beyond.


All young people deserve the opportunity to discover their intellectual passions, so we are proud to offer a wide range of courses that spark curiosity and develop our students' interests.

Beyond the Classroom

Learning doesn’t end when the final bell rings. Our students have multiple opportunities to continue their learning and self-development through a variety of extracurricular activities.

It Takes a Village

We are honored to be a part of your lives. Our teachers and leaders communicate constantly with parents and families. They share updates and work as a team with parents and families to ensure every child has the support he or she needs to succeed.

هل أنت مستعد لبدء رحلتك التحضيرية في كامدن؟

استكشف حرمنا الجامعي

ابحث عن أقرب مدرسة Camden Prep في حيك، وتعرف على المزيد حول مدارسنا وكيفية التسجيل.

حرمنا الجامعي

تعرف على كيفية التسجيل

مدارسنا العامة المجانية مفتوحة لجميع سكان كامدن، بدون معايير اختيار أو رسوم تقديم. نحن نشارك في برنامج Camden Enrollment، وهي عملية تسجيل عالمية لجميع مدارس كامدن. تعرف على المزيد حول تسجيل طفلك وقدم طلبك اليوم!

